
Social economics is an invitation to change the world

"For us, the idea of a social economy is to call the citizens of the modern world to take matters into their own hands, to take responsibility for themselves, for the community in which they live, for the changes that are made in a globalised world, and more often They directly touch each of us. It is a call not to wait for what the administration will do, without realizing the invisible hand of the market, to make an effort for change, which aims to increase the quality of life of ourselves, our neighbors, but also our children, grandchildren. And it is with the awareness that raising the quality of life at the expense of other people or at the expense of the environment is in the long run ineffective.

This call is not an urge to take responsibility for the heroic things that we have no influence on; It is only the showing that we usually do much more than we think. That is why we believe that:

-those who, for various reasons, often not by their own fault, are in a difficult situation, who are threatened by social exclusion, or even found themselves in the margins of social life, should seek opportunities to empowerment, independence From state aid. Social economics gives support mechanisms for people who want something in their lives to change.

-those who for various reasons feel responsible for the fate of the other, whether because of their profession, their convictions or religions of faith, have in the economics of social tools allowing their help to be sustainable and long-term, and At the same time, to solve the current problems did not cause side effects, such as learned or inherited helplessness.

-Those who are in the heart of the future of their immediate surroundings, their communities – whether or not their actions stem from the mandate imposed on them by their co-residents, on their duties or just in love for a small homeland – will find in economics A social solution that binds local development to local resources, while ensuring a local environment and with a view to future generations.

-also those who feel not only the citizens of their country, but also the international community, or even the world, are in the social economy can seek ideas allowing them to combine the resolution of regional work-related problems To eliminate modern global dangers.

Thus, the social economy is an invitation to activity, to commitment, to entrepreneurship understood as the ability to change the world. Everyone will find their place here if they wish. "

Polish social economy model. Recommendations for development. Call for discussion. Collective work edited by Piotr Frączaka and Jan Jakub Wygnańskiego

The Idea of combining economic and social values

Modern socio-economic changes carry the need to seek new solutions that will contribute to the construction of a stronger society. The idea of combining economic and social values and encouraging citizens to participate in society and in cooperation initiatives with the local community should therefore be connected. Such a connection is guaranteed by social enterprises. The Idea of social entrepreneurship is based on responsibility. Social entrepreneurs tend to focus on solving the most pressing and – apparently – unsolvable social problems. And they do it successfully – not only do they innovate, but they also change the attitude of people and communities. Social economics is a phenomenon embedded in strong civil society.

The basic "promise" of social economics

The basic "promise" of social economics is that activities in specific areas of the market, based on something more than the desire for profit, can be an effective mechanism for recovery and protection of sovereignty and subjectivity for individuals, institutions and communities. Social economics means:

-For individuals, the opportunity to abandon the position of the client, to be the subject of philanthropy and social transfers, the position of a dependent person on the aid of others, including from the assistance of non-governmental organisations; A chance to become a stand-alone unit capable of ensuring your fate and your loved ones. This entails the possibility, but the necessity of obtaining income from work, and, consequently, the recovery of dignity, which has its origin in making independent choices concerning its own destiny.

-for organisations, the ability to acquire resources for their own activities-to move away from the attitude of "hand-drawn" and to be totally dependent on public preferences and private donors. It is a chance to avoid the pitfall of becoming a "prolongation" of public institutions or hostage philanthropicing emotions to be a sovereign entity capable of taking public activities in line with the mission and decision of members and The organization's founders.

-for communities, the ability to self-formulate development strategies based on their own resources, realizing genuine self-government and the prosperity of citizens.

Polish economy model Social recommendations for the development of the discussion call for collective work edited by Piotr Frączaka and John Jacob Wygnańskiego

Base on values

Social economics meets the needs that other sectors can not fully cope with, and this is possible because:

-It is based on the values of solidarity and personal commitment to social life,

-Generates jobs of high quality, improves living standards and creates favourable conditions for the development of new forms of entrepreneurship,

-Plays a very important role in the development of social cohesion and local development,

-Participates in the process of consolidating democracy and creating stability and pluralism in the market economy,

-It meets the values and strategic objectives of the European Union, such as social cohesion, full employment, the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and better governance and sustainable development.

Social enterprises in Poland. Theory and practice. Edited by Jerzy Hausner

Socially-oriented usability organisations

Social economics is a sector of the economy where organisations are oriented towards social usability and the wypracowywana of the surplus serves to achieve the social goal. Such a mission arises from and is protected by the autonomy of management, democratic decision-taking and the local rooting of these organizations.

Quarterly 1/2007 Social Economics, Jerzy Hausner





